Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Sector 7

Something awaits 8,000 feet under the sea off the southern tip of Jeju Island.
An offshore drilling rig named the Eclipse is a mega structure stationed at Sector 7, an oil mining area in the vast open sea located off the southern tip of Jeju Island. After a prolonged period of excavation failure, the headquarter gives the order to close down the facility and withdraw all its crews.

Captain Jeong-man is sent to oversee the crews withdrawal from the Eclipse. However, Hae-jun, the equipment manager (played by Ha Ji-won), is strongly opposed to the headquarters order, as she is adamant that oil will be discovered in Sector 7 soon. Motivated by Hae-juns conviction of achieving success in the end, the Captain supports conducting one last drilling exercise.

While Hae-jun and the crew are fully engaged in their final attempt, they lose communication with headquarters, and the crew is overwhelmed by the disconcerting feeling that something is out there.

As bodies begin vanishing one by one, the few survivors need to act fast and fight for their lives in a non-stop battle against a mutant monster from the sea. The monster is originally a small plankton like creatures live deep in the ocean bed. Scientists discovered that they could be the source of renewable energy as when they are set on fire, they keep burning for 30 hours although they have such small body mass. An experiment is soon carried out to inject growth hormone to grow this tiny creature into a big monster all in the name of generating more power from its body. 

Survival looks unlikely, but Hae-jun and the crew are determined to take any chance to get out of Sector 7 alive. 

The movie started off focusing on the team's effort to find oil in the middle of the ocean. The indication of a monster is slowly build up as the film progresses. Overall, stunning visual effects with great acting and action from the lead actress Ha Ji-Won.

The team members of the Eclipse in Sector 7.
Ha Ji-Won in pain after an accident in the oil rig.
Ha Ji-Won faces off with monster.

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